Sunday, February 28, 2016

Diversify, Diversify...

hk usp catastrophic failure blown blew up kaboom

Initially, I put together this "gun" blog to record & share my experience after my H&K USP handgun blew up in my hands(I suspect overcharged ammo).  I've done very little with the blog since, because I really don't shoot a whole lot.

Over the weekend, I saw a zombie movie called "Scouts Guide to Zombie Apocalypse".  It was a decent zombie flick, which in itself says a lot right there, but it was also put together really well, and a super hilarious one. 

That's when it hit me.  Guns & zombies/hand-in-hand!  lol

dawn of the dead remake
Dawn of the Dead (2004)

New page design, new name, welcome to the guns, zombies & whatever blog.  Likely to feature more zombies than guns.  :D