Ordered this awesome looking 3-way carry 43" rifle bag by Lancer Tactical. I've liked their bag in the past. Low price, excellent design & quality. This one I would not recommend though.
It's hard to see what's wrong with it at the first glance. It certainly took me a minute..... This frigging bag is upside down. Zipper fastener is on the wrong side(bottom). Everybody I showed it to saw same as me, so I emailed Lancer Tactical. They replied, but just to say that it is that way by design. Alrighty then. I don't know that the hell I'm supposed to do with this thing. 😂
While I didn't get to take my new upside down gun bag plinking, few of us were able to get out to the woods. We were worried about snow on the ground(I'm actually riding in a 2WD truck here), but there was zero snow. Phew.
My buddy had very base Ford Ranger, but he had lifted it couple inches, bigger wheels & also added a headache rack. It actually looks pretty good. My Ford crossover is having problems again, so it had to stay home. I do not recommend buying Ford crossovers. You can say whatever you want about Japanese cars, but OMG man, I've never encountered major car repairs until I owned a Ford. 2 other people who has the same car's also running into expensive major repairs. What a POS. I recently ordered Ford Bronco though, so I'm special kind of stupid.
I usually come up here alone, so nice to have other people setup targets for change. 😇
Friend goofing off. We call him all sorts of names when he does this, including Chechnyan special forces. 😂
Shot my new FN15 little bit. Trigger felt little bit better this time? I forgot, but I remoil-ed it couple months ago, too. Maybe that helped. Jerking sensation was gone.
We stayed there little longer than planned, but I think we all had fun. It was beautiful day for it.