Monday, September 4, 2023

Painted my rifle "Oregon Camo"

 Oh my god.  So much development in stuff relevant to this blog, but I haven't written about any of it.  I hope to catch up on here soon enough, but first thing first:

Just about all the information are in the video.  This AR-15 is my go-to rifle.  She's a keeper, so I felt okay about painting it & throwing away any resale value.  It's based on M&P Sport II lower from my first AR-15.  Sitting on it is Daniel Defense DDM4V7.  I think at the start I had Burris AR536 I took off of AR-10 I used to have on it.  Then EOTech + cheap, but good magnifier by Riton.  I finally got the ever 💰elusive💰 ACOG designed to work with cheap M193 ammo(model#100288) & I'm pretty sure it's here to stay so I painted it on the rifle....😨

I took a handful of pics I've taken of the woods around my area to come up with the pattern & colors, so this is my "Oregon Camo".  Looks pretty good!  😀

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